-By: Jaycelle Playda

How Being a Momfluencer can be Fulfilling

In the last year or so, I’ve been introducing myself as a content creator and momfluencer. It’s one of the things that’s keeping me busy and fulfilled, aside from being a mom to my 5-year-old boy.

If you’re reading this, I bet it is because you are also interested in becoming a momfluencer, or are already on this path. So what is a momfluencer?

What is a momfluencer?

A momfluencer is a mom who shares her experiences on being a mom, her reviews and opinions about products and services for moms and babies, and about motherhood in general, and she shares them on the internet through her social media, in the hopes of helping other moms as well.

Momfluencing means supporting other moms

Being a mom is challenging in its own right. Add to that the challenges of experiencing it for the first-time and raising a generation alpha (kids born between 2010 – 2020). You would know how overwhelming it can be.

Life today is very differently occupied and complex than it was in other generations. I believe that women today have it harder than ever because we pursue a career, raise the kids, and still do the housework. I realized every modern mom faces similar challenges as I do. 

So I started to share my motherhood snippets on my social media. Good day, bad day, big win or small win —I shared anything that can lighten the load and maybe even help a fellow momma like me along the way. This is what drove me to pursue content creation and being a momfluencer.

Being a momfluencer has its perks

One of the many perks of being a momfluencer is the opportunity to be tapped to work with brands, causes and advocacies that are aligned with your values and what you believe in. I’d say this for me is a total win! We all have a voice. If you get to use your voice to share and testify for your trusted brands, or causes and advocacies that you’re passionate about, wouldn’t that be awesome?

You can do it too, momma!

Being in this motherhood journey is one of my life’s biggest adventures, and I just had to share it. When there were other moms who resonated with what I shared and reached out to thank me for the tips, the advice, the inspiration and even the encouragement —I felt fulfilled and affirmed that I’m on the right track. This is one of the reasons that inspires me to keep pursuing this content creation and momfluencer role.

My motherhood journey is now even more fun and fulfilling because I feel like I have a whole momma community in BrandBuzz where we exchange lessons and experiences, and just help each other out.

If you want to be in the momfluencer journey, start by genuinely sharing your experiences as a mom. It can be a milestone for your child, a review on one of the baby products that you’ve tried, or even your hopes and dreams for yourself and your child. Most of all, don’t forget to have fun while documenting and sharing a piece of your motherhood journey.

Let’s connect

If you’d like to get a glimpse of my adventures in my momfluencer journey, check it out on my Instagram @jaycelleplayda and our website at https://ofaph.com.