-By: Raquel B. Chua
“A stranger is a friend I haven’t met yet.” –Will Rogers
It’s a quote I find myself reflecting on when I think about my experience last year. As we all know 2020 was not a pleasant year, and to some it brought more than the unfortunate thing of losing their job, or losing a really great opportunity. It brought them pain and the misery of losing a loved one, which is why I never thought that at a time like 2020 I would gain more friends and a second family. With all the different types of quarantine we’ve been in, who would have thought that I would find friends in disguise on Instagram?
Well, let me tell you a story.
Around July last year I got infected with COVID, and since I had asthma as a pre-existing condition I developed pneumonia which exacerbated my condition. My whole family had caught COVID, my parents, my husband, my children, and one nephew, and I was the only one hospitalized because I was having difficulty in breathing. They did all sorts of tests on me, and it was really painful, but the most painful thing for me was being hospitalized and having nobody there with me.
I was not just worried about myself, but more so for my children, as most mothers would understand. I was quite disoriented for a while, but when I finally got the chance to call home and talk to my family I gained more strength and motivation, and that’s when I knew that we can fight this thing and win it, and win it we did.

During my stay at the hospital some of my followers were messaging me and asking me how I was. Since I am big on posting stories they noticed immediately when I wasn’t being active anymore, and was worried. I simply told them that I was taking a break or “busy lang” and wasn’t feeling well. If I don’t post anything in 12 hours they start messaging me and saying, “Ang tahimik mo today Mama Raq, I hope you are okay!” They didn’t know I had to be hospitalized for eight days, which I kept a secret because during that time there was quite a stigma with people who were infected, as there is today.
After a few months I’m still having recurring nightmares about my stay at the hospital. I would dream that I was still confined at the hospital and suffering, or I would dream I was in an ambulance. I talked to my doctor about it and was advised that it would probably be a good thing to talk about it, hence this post.
I also thought it would be nice to show my appreciation for those people who had helped me go through it, not just my family and friends, but most especially to my Instagram FRIENDS (followers) who had become my second family. These people have become my friends and family to the extent that we have inside jokes, and we know what’s happening to each other’s family, and even our pets’ names.
I was so overwhelmed by the outpouring of love I received from them, prayers and well-meaning messages, and some even sent care packages which I never thought I’d receive from total strangers. I am really grateful and humbled by the love they have shown me. As with most friendships, sometimes you don’t know when and where it started, but you’re glad that it did because it added value and meaning in your life knowing that there are people out there who look after you and vice versa.
So that’s how my Instagram followers became my friends and family, how I found friends in a time of quarantines and social distancing, and how I learned strangers are friends we haven’t met yet. Our relationship went from them being an IG follower and sending me DMs asking me where to buy stuff, and is it a good buy turned into, “I hope you are okay. I miss your stories. I did not know you were going through so much, I will continue to pray for you.” So really, my followers have become my friends and family at this point, and I am thankful for it.
Also, I find this quote to be true, “ I find it really beautiful when someone prays for you without you knowing. I don’t think there’s any form of deeper and purer love.” God knows I sure am thankful for all the people who have prayed for me, and continue to do so, and I thank God for them, and for the gift of life, family and friends.
To my 17K IG friends turned family, I promise that the ring on my IG stories will continue to shine to not cause you guys any trouble of thinking if I am doing okay or not. Let’s all just continue to hope and pray that this pandemic ends soon so that we can once again go out freely and meet these friends and family, until then stay safe, get vaccinated, and keep wearing your masks. God bless everyone and I am here to share more IG stories, promise!.
Xoxo – Raquel