-By: Mitch Carvalho
Who would’ve thought that Coronavirus would hit us so hard? So hard and long enough to make people suffer from stress, anxiety, and financial crisis.
I was in my first trimester with my 3rd pregnancy when the pandemic all started. The stress that it gave me was overhead. I had to deal with my pregnancy with a brave heart. I already knew that we could be in danger because of my age but the situation made it harder for me, with no regular check-ups and cluttered mind, I didn’t know what else to do but pray that everything will be okay.

Fast forward to the big day, July 2020, I was right. It was quite a challenge. I had pre-eclampsia and had to be in the recovery room under medication for more than 5 hours after giving birth.
The moment I felt better I requested if I can already be transferred to my room and just continue with the medicines that I still had to take. 15 hours later, I was able to have my baby roomed with me. Thank God!
I did all my best to get discharged the next day despite having to go through severe pain after Csec and ligation. Luckily, my OB agreed and gave me a go.
It felt good to be finally home, with fewer worries that I could get infected in the hospital and be a carrier of Coronavirus at any moment. The girls can finally see and hold their baby brother!
Until… a week later, I received bad news from my husband who works overseas. He was tested positive – Covid positive!
I felt so bad… really bad and useless. I can’t do anything to make the situation lighter ‘coz I, myself, still need to recover badly from my operation. But you see I’M A MOTHER! I can’t continue to be weak and hopeless with whatever the world is going through. I had to find an outlet! Something that even my kids would enjoy doing with me. Something which has already been in my system for years. I’m a CONTENT CREATOR so why not take it to the next level?
The next thing I know, I sent my application to BrandBuzz Ph a week before Christmas of 2020. But of course, I first did my homework and was touched by this story written by a fellow mommy blogger.
The question “Why BrandBuzz when I can try with other PR agencies who pretty much do the same work? There are lots of Blogger Groups where I can find the same opportunities.” that I had in mind quickly changed.
Why? DAHIL MAY PUSO. It’s a PR with a heart. In the midst of the chaos, BrandBuzz does not only focus on seeding the market with what the brands they work with have in store for everyone but, this PR agency inspired its community to start lending a hand to those in need,
Mommy Influencers in particular. “These mommies came together and fed disadvantaged families in Tondo until it turned into a huge food assistance program for hundreds of Frontliners fighting COVID-19”, Mommy Madz also mentioned here.
Weeks after my application was sent to BrandBuzz’ Viber, I got added to their Viber Groups. Did my first two projects with them in the last week of January, and the rest is history.
Indeed, it’s a PR with a heart. I also gained so much confidence in front of the camera, and in fact, has improved my “photography” skills over the months that I have been content creating for them and the brands they work with. It has also opened more opportunities for me and pushed me to be more creative and confident in what I do.
The countless tips that I get from fellow BrandBuzzers, new friendships gained with BBMommas, guidance from Sir Marco and Ms. Gie, quality moments that I get to spend with my kids for every photo shoot that we have to do, patience and assistance from the Project Leaders, continuous projects ARE ALL PRECIOUS TO ME. I can go on and on but definitely, CONTENT CREATION with BrandBuzz, and its community played a big role in how my stress was reduced during this pandemic.